Knights of Malta Archive Status

The library of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta in Rome:
The Knights have had a priory in Rome since 1214. The Priory of Rome has housed the headquarters of the Order since their departure from Malta in 1789. In 2005, HMML formed a partnership with the Grand Magistry of the Order to digitize all materials in the Priory archives that pre-date 1904. These include materials that shed light on the activities of the Priory itself and on the Order as a whole since its relocation.

The Malta Study Center of the HMML began microfilming private and ecclesiastical archival collections on the island of Malta in 1974. The Center currently maintains a microfilm collection of more than 16,000 documents covering the history of Malta and the Knights (today known as the Sovereign Military Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Rhodes, and Malta) dating between the twelfth and the 20th centuries. Today, this collection represents the largest accumulation of Maltese and Sovereign Military Order of Malta archival materials under one roof.

National Archives of Malta, Banca Giuratale
Mdina, Malta

After successful completion of a National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) challenge grant endowing the Center and its work, the Center signed an agreement with the National Archives of Malta to digitize the Acta of Magna Curia Castellanae (MCC) in 2007. The MCC was the law court of the Knights in Malta, which heard civil and criminal cases. These court records, which date between 1545 and 1899 AD, are housed at the Banca Giuratale in Mdina on the island of Malta.

The archives of Malta offer a unique opportunity to study primary documents from a cultural center of medieval and early modern Europe that was influenced by eastern and western civilizations. The Malta Study Center at the Hill Museum & Manuscript Library (HMML) was established in 1973, with the assistance of and in collaboration with the Honorary Consul General of Malta, Joseph S. Micallef, M. O. M., K. M.

The Malta Study Center maintains a microfilm collection of more than 16,000 documents and dossiers of documents from Malta, covering the period of the twelfth to the twentieth century. The materials include the Archives of the Knights of Malta, the Cathedral Museum in Mdina, the Archives of the Inquisition, ecclesiastical records of the dioceses of Malta and Gozo, and musical compositions.

On the island of Malta, HMML’s Malta filming project encouraged the Maltese to collect and preserve their historical written heritage. The project located and rescued state and ecclesiastical archives that were scattered throughout the island.

The Malta Study Center continues to assemble a wide range of antiquarian and modern publications dealing with Malta’s history, literature, and culture. It also collects materials pertaining to the Knights of Saint John and the history of the Crusades.

 The Notarial Archives of Malta were created in 1640 by Grand Master Lascaris, although the archives contain registers that date back to the 15th century. Maltese notaries recorded documents such as wills, household inventories, marriage dowries, sale contracts, and other such business for members of the Order and for the people of Malta. The older registers were severely damaged by bombing during World War II. The Malta Study Center of HMML has begun a project to digitize the 1,335 surviving 16th-century registers in the collection to improve access to this important historical resource. World War II bombing damaged many of the older notarial registers.

The Malta Archives on-line. and use the "City" drop-down menu to select the city, "Valetta," and the "Library" drop-down to select, "Notarial Archives of Malta. St. Christopher Street."
Or use the "City" drop-down menu to select the city, "Mdina," and the "Library" drop-down to select, "National Archives of Malta."

Source: Hill Museum & Manuscripts Library  (HMML)

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